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I am touched and a little overwhelmed.

yeti GIF, waving hello

It's freaking freezing out here, amirite?

I hope you took away something valuable from that post, enjoyed my silly recycling analogies, and, if nothing else, said awwwww when you saw the GIF of the pug at the recycling bins.

And, ummm, that blog post has 425 comments underneath it (as of right now). WHOA! Anyone who has commented below the Storystorm blog post is eligible to win one free picture book critique with me, once the event ends on Thursday. I'm looking forward to being paired up with the lucky winner!

But since:

  • There can only be one winner over at Storystorm, and;

  • I am super excited to have so many new subscribers, and;

  • I luuuuuuuv kidlit, and;

  • February is a great month to stay indoors and polish your picture book manuscript or dummy...

I am pleased to offer a special FEBRUARY discount of 10% off my picture book editorial services to anyone who subscribes to my blog. Simply subscribe (if you haven't already), send me an email at, and let me know what you'd like to work on with me. You can see my list of services here.

(Offer ends on February 28th, 2019. Feel free to tell your picture book critique group friends!)

Thanks for subscribing and reading!


Thanks for subscribing to my blog!

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